Sunday, December 30, 2007

Top 10

Top 10 Reasons I Think Hank is a girl:

10. Eats her vegetables
9. Enjoys cleaning
8. Likes to dance
7. Is appalled by most TV
6. Doesn't dribble food down my white shirts
5. Craves chocolate
4. Likes shopping (except King Soopers)
3. She's jealous of my figure so she makes me look fat
2. Likes to spend a lot of time in the bathroom
1. Gets mad at the boys if they squish her at all. ("hello-o... just grew my hair and nails in here!")

Top 10 Reasons Hank Could Be a Boy

10. Doesn't like taking vitamins
9. Likes working out
8. Packs such a punch I could feel him since he was 8 weeks old
7. Doesn't like mom's hair up
6. Doesn't mind the cold and likes lots of fresh air
5. Found the smell of dog-breath pleasant one evening
4. Is always peeking over dishes and pots asking "what's for dinner?"
3. Steak and potatos please! Oh, and please pass the salt!!
2. Burps a lot
1. Is a teasebug and keeps trying to trip mommy

We find out next week!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Don't You Know What "No" Means??

In case you are wondering... "could someone please tell me the meaning of the word "no," here it is. :) Straight from the Clarksters Dictionary - with examples to help clarify how each form should be used.


1) No.

If this comes from Mom or Dad, it should be followed up with a loud wail. If it comes from Clark, it is said very sweetly and matter of factly -- and when eating with a hand in front of his cute little mouth.

2) Forehead.

I would like to say that when he points to his forehead and calls it a "no," he is saying "know" and is showing extreme smartness, but from definition # 3, I doubt it. He thinks no is forehead and forehead is no. I think this is why he laughs so hard whenever either Grandma tells him "no no :)" If someone came up to me, smiled and said "forehead forehead" I think I'd probably laugh too.

3) Yes.

Up and down are synonyms, so why not yes and no?? We've now made a lovely habit of asking... just to be sure... "by 'no' did you mean 'yes?'" followed up with "YAS!!!"


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Soup in the Kettle

We have a little Soup in the kettle!! or a bun in the oven, baby in the belly... whatever you want to call it. Personally, I call it "Hank" and will continue to do so once he/she is born.

the Details

Friday, November 9, 2007

My Little Creationist

Ah.... the huge sigh that bursts from my motherly lungs...

I bought some cereal with a gorilla pictured on the front. And instead of saying "ba-puh!" (his word for grandpa...), he points to it and tries every animal he knows.... bear? doggy? MEOW!!! (not moose... he knows it's not a door hinge.)

He already knows that a gorilla is an animal, not an ancestor. I pitty anyone who tries to tell him he evolved from a monkey.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Annoying Myself

Man Ian and Clark! You guys are big enough I shouldn't have to pick up after you all day!!!

...I wish I could be upset at them right now. They're perfect angels and make my day so much brighter and easier.

Nope... it's me. Don't you love it when all your pet peaves are things you constantly do to yourself?

I unloaded the dishwasher, put Clark down for a nap and then walked back into the kitchen to see half the cabinet doors wide open. I was the only one home at the time tall enough to reach them, so I squelched the urge to be annoyed at it, nicely closed the cabinets, then...
CRUNCH!! I turned around and stepped right onto a crumbly biscuit I hadn't yet swept up from Clark's breakfast. I swallowed hard and told myself I couldn't really be upset at something that was my fault, so I turned around, walked into the open dishwasher, realized I had put last night's dishes in the sink - without running the garbage disposal, had to touch nasty old food, and then went to wash the counters to find STICKERS. I made an apple pie and stuck all the stickers from the apples directly to the countertop.

I found this equation written in crayon in my home-ec book:
Mom + produce stickers + countertops = I get raisins for desert tonight!

Okay, so I didn't really, but we did live on the edge and welcome raisins back into the house, much to the tot's delight.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Moose Hunt

Clark can say about 200 words now. Which for someone who is less than 18 months old, really is a big deal and he is really very proud of himself, so in order to keep up his reputation, he pretends he knows the word for everything. I was rather amused this morning when it finally struck me that "moose" is his default word for anything he doesn't already know. He thoroughly expects us to know what it means and once something starts being a moose, it stays a moose... at one point he started explaining and we thought he was saying amuse bouche, but when his daddy offered to take him out for some French cuisine, he was not amused. So the door hinge will remain just "moose" for now, as will his little toy parrot, and the turkey baster, ladle and anything else he decides is a moose.

On the more brilliant, less antlered side of things, Clark did delight in bringing me item after item today and announcing it's correct name exultantly... and BOY was that cute!... and fun to clean up after together :)

"Maybe if we put our heads together, you can figure out what a moose is."

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Home Ec

I'm constantly amazed at how much I use the information I learned in Home Ec. Making a skirt, hostessing a large dinner party, reading an energy star efficiency rating and figuring out which store has the best price come in super handy! ... once every other year.

I've looked over my old home-ec course and there isn't much in there about toddlers. Information on what happens when one gives a toddler a page of stickers to play with would have been lovely. It would have been helpful to know what happens when one accidentally throws a sticker in the wash as well. Thankfully my mother knows that oil is wonderful for removing them from wood surfaces.

I'd also like to know why I know the Pythagorean Theorem but never learned Tot + raisins + rolling chairs = disaster.

And now for something completely different

Enjoy the photos of Clark raking leaves. I have plenty of time to mop up raisins when he's doing all the yardwork for me! Give that tot a whole PAGE of gold star stickers! -- oh wait.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I Protest!

Hey! I know you!

You're... the lady who wants me to take a nap...

...and I don't want to nap.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Baseball Boy

Put me in the game coach!

Hmm.... throw it to 1st or 2nd?

I got benched.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wake Up and Smell The Coffee

Some babies wake up and immediately look for a coffee can.
This is their story.
Ahh! Now I'm awake!

mmm... coffee!

Just the smell makes me hyper!

Mom can my bear and me have coffee?

I'll scoop it for you.

Where do you want it?

Have a bite?

It's pretty tasty.

Does the couch want some?

Come on bear.