...or perfect getting practice? ;)
Hank commandeered my wheeling basket and set it up perfectly for baby for when she gets here. She's uber-possessive. She gave me a LONG talking to about not putting things in it. So for 6 months, no wheeling basket for me. But when baby is born:
"Squishy is gonna ride in it and she's gonna say "WAH WAH!" and we'll tell her "SHHHHHHHHH!" like *that.* And I'm gonna share my teeving ring wiff her. And she won't be able to walk anywhere because she's a baby and she's gonna say "WAHHHH!""
Clark has his old crib mattress set up next to his bed in his room and is lobbying for Squishy to sleep there. My only drawback would be that he loves taking the sheets off the mattress and leaning it up against his bed. It really does make a fantastic slide/car ramp/tent. I think if Squishy slept in the 'tent' though, her nick-name might become a wee bit too literal.