We love Uncle Berv and miss him so.
Berv, we need to talk. I've been living a lie. I am a horrible photographer and now the 5 people who read my blog are going to know. Thanks a lot!!
Speaking of thanks a lot, thanks for the cute clothes! This is officially Clark's favorite shirt. He runs around in it constantly and has a pair of matching socks. When they are both clean at the same time, he is pretty excited. Hank's hat was in the car still from our last hiking trip... she likes to wear hers when I wear mine so we can duel with our hat bills when I try to smooch her. She's getting lethal!
Check out what happens when I try to photograph the kids:
"Does my hat look okay?" "Hang on... I have to sneeze."
"Oh dear... she's messing with the flash... how long is this going to take?"
"Can I sit over there?" "Are we almost done?"
"I can't help but think mom... Clark, is that a bird out the window!?" "Y'know mom, trucks don't just play by themselves...."
"...that if I could just sit over there." "Word to the wise Hank, if you behave it will go faster."
"That's even worse! You're TERRIBLE!"
"Oh sorry... must've dozed off there." "You're right Hannah... it IS a bird!!"
"I fought a monster. It was this big." "Big truck! Out the window!"
"Is anyone listening to me!?" "Truck. Please. Trucks!"