This was in the mail today. OH I CAN'T WAIT FOR IAN TO COME HOME!!!!
Thanks Hecksberg! I'll give this to him tonight when he sits down to darn my socks.
"Can I sit over there?" "Are we almost done?"
"I can't help but think mom... Clark, is that a bird out the window!?" "Y'know mom, trucks don't just play by themselves...."
"...that if I could just sit over there." "Word to the wise Hank, if you behave it will go faster."
"That's even worse! You're TERRIBLE!"
"Oh sorry... must've dozed off there." "You're right Hannah... it IS a bird!!"
"I fought a monster. It was this big." "Big truck! Out the window!"
"Is anyone listening to me!?" "Truck. Please. Trucks!"
Doesn't this doll look so much like Hank would look if someone crocheted her some hair? - More views to come -- when the doll is not having sweet little needs for me to meet :)
Okay... so he's not really Cantankerous Clark in that photo...
He lost his toy. If your little boy lost an itty bitty highly lose-able, hard-to-find toy and came up to tell you all about the terribleness of it looking like this, wouldn't you stop whatever you were doing and find it? And then smooch every inch of his gorgeous little face? Lello???
That's one I would keep out on the counter all the time!
I'm not sure if Hannah enjoys the swing or not. ;)
So... I finally did it. I put an incredibly LONG video of my child just cooing. I couldn't help myself. She's cute and her Daddy hasn't gotten to see her in 2 weeks. It's 3 minutes long if you think you can handle it. If I would have only made it 4 you would have REALLY gotten to see some happy feet!
(Clark is saying "BEEF!" -- and it sounds so very meaty the way he says it!)
Anyone who saw my post with picks of my belly can easily understand why "Big Fat Hank" was my nickname of choice for Hannah. I would even sing her a song about it :)
Anyway, Ian and she got together and would sing to me about how it was really "Big Fat Mom."
(AHEM! Do I know how to eat or do I know how to eat!?!?! - Hannah)
Quick word about the boys...
I can't imagine how women give birth without Ian. He is a rock. Awfully nice of him not to shout "quit screaming in my ear woman!" while I was hanging on him, screaming and digging my nails into him. Lovely husband, that one! Man I wish my wedding ring would fit back on my finger!
And Clark. What a little gentleman to be so kind to this little attention hog! He loves her to death, turns her into a Newt several times a day, asks to "Hote? (hold it.)" every time she's awake. He's nice about just rolling with it when she gets over cranky and while he is very fascinated by the fact that there ARE still binkies in the house(!!), he has been very good about not having one... even though I know it's a struggle for him.
Birthday Balloon?