Monday, October 29, 2007

Moose Hunt

Clark can say about 200 words now. Which for someone who is less than 18 months old, really is a big deal and he is really very proud of himself, so in order to keep up his reputation, he pretends he knows the word for everything. I was rather amused this morning when it finally struck me that "moose" is his default word for anything he doesn't already know. He thoroughly expects us to know what it means and once something starts being a moose, it stays a moose... at one point he started explaining and we thought he was saying amuse bouche, but when his daddy offered to take him out for some French cuisine, he was not amused. So the door hinge will remain just "moose" for now, as will his little toy parrot, and the turkey baster, ladle and anything else he decides is a moose.

On the more brilliant, less antlered side of things, Clark did delight in bringing me item after item today and announcing it's correct name exultantly... and BOY was that cute!... and fun to clean up after together :)

"Maybe if we put our heads together, you can figure out what a moose is."

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Home Ec

I'm constantly amazed at how much I use the information I learned in Home Ec. Making a skirt, hostessing a large dinner party, reading an energy star efficiency rating and figuring out which store has the best price come in super handy! ... once every other year.

I've looked over my old home-ec course and there isn't much in there about toddlers. Information on what happens when one gives a toddler a page of stickers to play with would have been lovely. It would have been helpful to know what happens when one accidentally throws a sticker in the wash as well. Thankfully my mother knows that oil is wonderful for removing them from wood surfaces.

I'd also like to know why I know the Pythagorean Theorem but never learned Tot + raisins + rolling chairs = disaster.

And now for something completely different

Enjoy the photos of Clark raking leaves. I have plenty of time to mop up raisins when he's doing all the yardwork for me! Give that tot a whole PAGE of gold star stickers! -- oh wait.